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Sulphur 40% SC is a suspension concentrate in colloidal form with particle size less than 3 micron. Hence it works excellent against fungi and mites. Spores of powdery mildew is made up of carbohydrate surrounded by layer of oil globule.
Metalaxyl 35%WS used for control of downy mildew in Maize, Bajra, Sorghum, Sunflower and white rust in Mustard as Wet seed dresser.
Thifluzamide 24% SC It is systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. It effectively controls Rhizoctonia solani fungus which is major cause sheath blight in paddy. It is rapidly absorbed by roots and leaves and translocated in xylem and apoplast throughout the plant. Helpful fungus resistance management.
Carbendazim 50% WP is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide which effectively controls the diseases of crops. It is used both as curative and preventive for control of diseases in field crops and vegetables.
Cymoxanil 8%+ Mancozeb 64% WP is a systemic & contact fungicide, effective for the control of downy mildew disease of Grapes and Cucumber and late blight disease of Potato and Tomato crops.
Tebuconazole 25.9% EC is used as foliar spray for the control of powdery mildew and fruit rot of chilli, tikka and rust of groundnut, blast and sheath blight of rice, Purple blotch of Onion, anthracnose (pod blight) of Soyaben and leaf spot and anthracnose ofBlack grame.
Mancozeb 75% WP Contact Fungicides are suitable for seed treatment and various crops such as flowers, vegetables, fruits it is effective against the widest range of diseases caused by fungal pathogens in various crops like Paddy, Potato, Tomato, Chilies, Grapes, Apple as well as other fruits, vegetables, cereals and ...
Sulphur 85% DP It acts both as a fungicides and acaricide. This insecticide is used to control insects and pests of a variety of plant diseases, apple scab brown rot, mildew on apples, grapes, ornamentals, peaches, etc.
Kasugamycin 5%+copper oxy chloride 45% WP is a broad-spectrum fungicide and bactericide with preventive and curative action. It is effective for the control of Leaf & Neck blast of Rice and Anthracnose & Bacterial leaf spot diseases of Grapes.
Validadamycin 3% L is an antibiotic fungicide which controls Sheath blight disease of Rice very effectively. It acts on hyphae and destroys the fungus by its contact action and controls the spread of diseases.
Captan 70 Hexaconazole 5% WP is a contact and systemic fungicide used for the control of fruit rot (Anthracnose) of Chillies; early and late blight of Potato and powdery mildew & rust of Black gram.
Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP is a very effective, protective and curative fungicide. It successfully controls Leaf Spot and Rust disease of Groundnut and Blast disease of paddy crop.
Tebuconazole 25%WG is a systemic fungicide which is used as foliar spray for the control of powdery mildew and fruit rot of Chilli, tikka and rust of Groundnut, blast and sheath blight of Rice.
Azoxystrobin 11%+ Tebuconazole 18.3% Sc Is A Recommended On Paddy For Sheath Blight And Chilli For Powdery Mildew, Root Rot And Die Back However Due To Broad Spectrum Activity It Can Control Many Fungal Diseases Affecting Various Crop.
Copper Oxychloride Fungicide is for the control of fungal and bacterial diseases in fruit and vegetable crops, citrus, stone fruit, pome fruit and ornamentals. Why choose Copper Oxychloride Fungicide; Economical control of a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases in many crops and situations.
Difenoconazole 25% EC is a systemic fungicide which is used for the control of scab of Apple, leaf spot and rust of Groundnut, blight & powdery mildew in Cumin, purple blotch in Onion, fruit rot in Pomegranate and anthracnose and powdery mildew in Grapes.
Hexaconazole 5% SC A systemic fungicide that is used to control scab in apple, tikka leaf spot in groundnut, powdery mildew in mango and blast and sheath blight in rice.
Isoprothiolane 40% EC is a systemic fungicide approved for the control of blast disease in Rice crop.
Metalaxyl is a systemic fungicide used to control plant diseases caused by Oomycete fungi. Its formulations include granules, wettable powders, dusts, and emulsifiable concentrates. Application may be by foliar or soil incorporation, surface spraying (broadcast or band), drenching, and seed treatment.
Propiconazole 25% EC is Highly effective in controlling deadly diseases like bunts, blights and leaf spots Karnal Bunt , Brown Rust , Black Rust , Yellow Rust , Leave Rust Sheath Blight , Black Dirty Grain Tikka Disease , Rust Blister Sigatoka Leaf Spots infecting in Crops like Wheat Paddy Groundnut Tea Soybean ...
Sulphur 55.16%SC is a contact fungicide used to control grape and mango powdery mildew. Compatibility: Compatible with pesticides.
Sulphur 80% WDG it is used to prevent fungal disease in the plant. Sasage is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide which is preventive in nature.it also provides sulphur to the plant which is essential for the plant. Sasage controls fungal spots, leaf spot and rust.
Sulphur lime 22% SC It controls a range of fungal diseases and pests on fruit trees, tomatoes, grapes, roses & ornamentals.
Hexaconazole 5%+ Validamycin 2.5% SC is a triazole fungicide for paddy sheath blight disease while Validamycin is an antibiotic fungicide used in managing sheath blight disease in rice & all crop.
Tebuconazole 6.7% +Captan26.9% SC is a combination of fungicide which is used for the control of Powdery mildew and Anthracnose disease of Chilli, Powdery mildew, Alternaria leaf spot/ blight and scab of Apple.
Tebuconazole 38.39% SC It is a systemic fungicide recommended for use as a foliar spray for the control of alternaria leaf spot disease in cabbage as well as yellow rust and powdery mildew diseases in wheat.
Tebuconazole 10%+ Sulphur 65% WG It controls powdery mildew, fruit rot diseases of Chilli and leaf spot, pod blight disease of Soybean. Efficient and cost effective solution for fungal diseases.It is absorbed by leaves within two hours . Instant and uniform solubility.
Tricyclazole 75% WP It is a specialty systemic fungicide. The product is rapidly absorbed by rice plant and translocated towards leaf tips. It is a protectant fungicide that prevents the fungus from penetrating the plant. Inhibition occurs when the fungus attempts to penetrate and establish an infection site inside the plant.
Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP It is a good fungicide for Anthracnose, Apple Scab, Powdery Mildew, and several leaf spot diseases It is quickly absorbed by plants and quickly translocated into the system.
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