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Emamectin Benzoate 5 SG used to control of Caterpillars and Thrips. After ingestion and contact on insects stops feeding within 2 hours and dies after 2 to 4 days.
Diafenthiuron 40.1% Acetamipride 3.9% WP is used for sucking pest through contact and stomach poisoning and also due to strong translaminar action provides the effective control of hidden sucking pest on the dorsal side of the leaves.
Malathion 5%DP is an organophosphate insecticide used in various public health departments and municipal corporations for control of mosquitoes and other insects.
Cartap Hydrochloride 4% + Fipronil 0.5% CGgives effective control on insects pests through its contact, systemic and stomach poison action
Imidacloprid is used to control sucking insects, some chewing insects including termites, soil insects, and fleas on pets. In addition to its topical use on pets, imidacloprid may be applied to structures, crops, soil, and as a seed treatment.
Deltamethrin 11 EC Is Used For Cotton, Timber, Cereals, Oilseeds, Top Fruits, Vegetables, Tea, Oilseeds And Other Crops For Bollworms, Sucking Insects, , Catterpillers, Leaf Rollers, Hoppers.
Chlorpyriphos. control hispa, leaf roller, gall midge, stem borer of Paddy, aphid, bollworm, whitefly & cutworm of cotton and insects of vegetables, fruits
Dinotefuran 20%SG used for insect pests such as aphids, whiteflies, thrips, leafhoppers, leafminers, sawflies, mole cricket, white grubs, lacebugs, billbugs, beetles, mealybugs, and cockroaches on leafy vegetables, in residential and commercial
Pymetrozine 50 Wg It provides immediate crop protection through permanent feeding inhibition of insects. It binds to the neuronal receptors, which act on the nervous system creating a nervous inhibition of feeding capability in the insects.
Imidaclorpid 6% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4% SL is a formulated mixture of insecticides, which could be used to control series of insect pests.
Pyriproxyfen 10 Bifenthrin 10 EC is a combination of an Insect Growth Regulator and a pyrethroid. The combination product offers multi-action control of whitefly pest in cotton crop.
Fenobucarb B P M C 50 Ec ; used as an agricultural insecticide, especially for control of Hemipteran pests, on rice and cotton and moderately toxic for humans.
Thiamethoxam 75% SG It is soil-applied insecticide and having quick action against sucking and chewing pests. It has labelled for use on Ground Nut, Sugarcane, Rice and Cotton. It may direct the application at the base of the plant for optimum root uptake when making post-emergence applications
Tebuconazole 10%+ Sulphur 65% WG It controls powdery mildew, fruit rot diseases of Chilli and leaf spot, pod blight disease of Soybean. Efficient and cost effective solution for fungal diseases.It is absorbed by leaves within two hours . Instant and uniform solubility.
Thiamethoxam 1% w/w +Chlorantraniliprole 0.5% w/w GR insecticide providing excellent control and long lasting protection from Stem Borer in Rice & Corn and Early Shoot Borer in Sugarcane.
Fenvalerate 20 EC used to control insects on an extensive variety of leaves and fruits and food and cotton production; also used for the control of flies and ticks in barns and stables.
Chlorpyriphos it is used to control cockroaches, fleas, and termites
Lambdacyhalothrin 4.9% SC is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide used worldwide in agriculture, home pest control, protection of foodstuff and disease vector control.
Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC t is used for control of bollworms, Jassids and thrips on cotton and leaf folder stem borer, green leaf hopper, gall midge, hispa and thrips on rice.
Quinalphos 25 EC effectively controls caterpillars on fruit trees, cotton, vegetables and peanuts scale insect on fruit trees and pest complex on rice. Quinalphos also controls aphids, bollworms, borers, leafhoppers, mites, thrips, etc. On vines, ornamentals, potatoes, soya beans, tea, coffee, cocoa, and other crops.
Fipronil 0.3gr It also acts as Plant Growth Regulator, which enhances the root growth and results in higher yields.It acts as an insecticide with contact and stomach action
Thimethoxam 25% WG provides excellent control against insects such as Aphids, Jassids, and hoppers etc. It also effectively controls Thrips and Whiteflies in wide range of crops like Cotton, Paddy,Fruits and Vegetables.
Cypermethrin 10%+indoxacarb 10 %SC is used for the control of ectoparasites which infest cattle, sheep, poultry and some companion animals.
Chlorpyriphos 50% EC It is a powerful insecticide for controlling biting as well as sucking of insects. Versatile insecticide and termiticide for agricultural and house hold pests.
Chlorpyriphos 10% GR It is used to control for Rice insects
Chlorpyriphos 50% +Cypermethrin 5%EC used for Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, Whitefly, American Bollworm, Spotted Bollworm, Pink Bollworm, and Spodoptera litura of Cotton.
Cypermethrin 0.25% DP Provides long-lasting control of insect pests. Used to control a wide range of chewing and sucking insects in fruits and vegetables.
Cypermethrin 25% EC It is used as an insecticide in both large-scale commercial agricultural applications and consumer products.
Diafenthuiron 47.8 % SC use to control Aphids, Jassids, Thrips & Whiteflies in Cotton crop
Diafenthiuron 50% WP used for controls Whiteflies, Aphids, Jassids & Thrips in Cotton, Diamond Black Moth (DBM) in Cabbage, Mites in Chilli & Whiteflies in Brinjal.
Dimethoate 30% EC used for Sucking and Caterpillar Pest bug, Mites, Stem borer, Shoot fly, Aphids, Thrips, Beetles etc.
Dinotefuran 15+pymetrozine 45%WG used with its dual mode of action, helps protect the rice crop from the devastating pest BPH which develops high resistance against all agrochemicals.
Emamectin Benzoate3%+Thiomethoxam 12% WG used to control stem borer, gall midge, leaf folder, brown planthopper (BPH), tea mosquito bug, and tea semi looper bug sucking pests like aphids jassids and thrips etc
Emamectin Benzoate 1.9 EC is to intensify the effect of neurotransmitters, such as, glutamate and -butyric acid. Upon contacting the chemical compound, the insect pests stop eating quickly and eventually they die. Emamectin benzoate 1.9% E.C is safe for humans, animals, and environment.
Emamectin Benzoate 1.5 Fipronil 3.5 SC effectively controls Thrips and Fruit Borer. Fipronil gives effective and long duration control of thrips, whitefly, jassids and aphids in various crops, plants and vegetables.
Fenpropathrin 30 E C for growers with crops threatened by a variety of tough pests, including navel orange worm, oriental fruit moth, walnut husk fly, thrips, leaf rollers, fruit worms.
Fenpyroximate is extremely effective at controlling red spider mites, pink and purple tea mites, yellow chilli mites, and Eriophyid mites of coconut.
Fipronil 0.6% GR Fipronil has two in one action it not only controls insect pests effectively but it also shows plant growth enhancement effects such as enhanced root growth, more number of productive tillers etc., which results in higher yields.
Fipronil 4% + Acetamiprid 4% SC It controls Aphids, Jassids and Whiteflies in cotton crop. It has a dual mode of action. It affects both the nervous systems of the insects simultaneously (Central Nervous System & the Peripheral Nervous System). It has double Impact on the insect Nervous System, resulting in immediate death of the insect.
Fiprnonil 40% + imidacloprid 40%WG It is an unique combination product with dual action against pest. Ganno is suitable to control problems of white grub in Sugarcane. The active ingredient Fipronil is toxic after ingestion with some contact action and acts by interfere the transmission of nerve impulse
Fipronil4%+Thiamethoxam 4%SC is used to control ants, beetles, cockroaches, fleas, ticks, termites, mole crickets, thrips, rootworms, weevils, and other insects.
Fipronil 5% SC controls the insect pests of rice, chilli, cabbage/cauliflower and sugarcane effectively. It has been proven to offer low dose, highly effective insect control against a broad range of economically important pests.
Flonicamid 50 %WG is to be used for pest control of ornamental plants in greenhouses, interiorscapes, nurseries and landscape ornamentals.
Flubendiamide 39.35% SC is recommended for control of American Bollworm & spotted Bollworm of cotton, Stem borer and Leaf folder in Rice, fruit borer in tomato and diamond back moth of cabbage, pod borers in pigeon pea, black gram and Bengal gram, fruit borers in chilli, Semilooper, Spodoptera in soyabean and shoot
It is a multiple usage insecticide used to control insect pests of cotton, paddy, sugarcane and vegetables. It is used as foliar spray for the control of sucking and other insects in different crops.
may be applied to structures, crops, soil, and as a seed treatment.
Imidacloprid 30.5% SC to control sucking and other insects such as Thrips, Aphids, Jassids, Brown plant hopper, White backed plant hopper, and others in various crops such as Cotton, Paddy, Sugarcane, Mango, Groundnut, Grapes, Chillies, Tomato, and others.
Indoxacarb14.5% SC helps conserve certain beneficial arthropods, including parasitic wasps, predatory mites, big-eyed bugs, damsel bugs, minute pirate bugs, and spiders.
Indoxacarb 14.5%SC +acetamiprid 7.7%SC It is an insecticide used for the control of jassids, whiteflies and bollworms on cotton, and thrips anf fruit borer on chillies.
Lufenuron 5.4% EC mainly works through ingestion, hence controls each and every stage of Larvae Lufenuron 5.4%
Malathion 50% EC is widely used in for Controlling Flies Mosquitoes Cockroaches , bedbugs , ants flies , household insects , ectoparasites , mites , aphids , ticks , fleas , bugs , leaf miners , worms scairid and phorid flies in Mushrooms , sucking , chewing insects and spider & mites.
Use to control cotton for Bollworms, Bollweevil, Jassids, White Fly, Thrips, Mites. It can also used on fruit and vegetables on the control of Jassids, Hoppers Borers.
Novaluron 8.8% SC for the control of thrips, whiteflies, leaf miners, and other foliar-feeding insect pests of ornamental plants grown in greenhouses
Pyriproxyfen 8%+dinotefuran 5%+diafenthiuron 18%SC used to effectively control whitefly, jassids, thrips and Aphids in Brinjal, tomato and cotton crop.
Profenophos 50% EC, it controls all sucking pests and foliar feeding larvae. It is primarily used as an acaricide, providing excellent mite control on a variety of crops. It has ovicide and adulticide properties. Rapid knockdown with long-lasting residual activity.
Profenofos 40 Cypermethrin 4 Ec Use to control sucking pests as well as Bollworm, very good control of Thrips, Bollworm, Alphid, Jassid, Mealybug etc. in agriculture crop like Cotton, Chillies, Tur, etc.
Spinetoram 11.7% w/w SC provides broad-spectrum insect control (Thrips & Lepidopteran insects) with excellent residual activity on a variety of crops.
Thiomethoxam 0.9% +Fipronil 0.2% GR . gives excellent control on Soil pests like White grub and termites acts on central nervous system of insect thus control insect by paralysing
Thomethoxam 30% FS It provides control of a wide range of early season sucking and chewing, leaf-feeding and soil-dwelling insect pests, such as aphids, wireworms, flea beetles, and leaf miners. It is used to treat the seeds of corn, cotton, sugar beets, oil seed rape, canola, wheat, barley, soybeans, sorghum and other field crops.
Hexaconazole 5%+ Validamycin 2.5% SC is a triazole fungicide for paddy sheath blight disease while Validamycin is an antibiotic fungicide used in managing sheath blight disease in rice & all crop.
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